The political representation of the sovereign citizen of the world dynamically, intrinsically allied with sovereign humanity.
To provide a global political service institution for the installation and maintenance of world peace.
On September 4, 1953. Ellsworth, Maine. (See The Ellsworth Declaration. See also What is the World Government of World Citizens?)
Garry Davis (See Definitions: What is the World Government of World Citizens?)
Over 950,000. (This includes those who registered with the International Registry of World Citizens in Paris).
The administrative agency is the World Service Authority, founded in 1954, now a District of Columbia non-profit corporation.
The result of a codified social contract between equally sovereign humans living in the same geographical environment.
"Citizen" means the political empowerment of the individual. It implies rights and duties within a given social community.
A recognition by the individual human of his/her rights and duties within the world community itself. It implies that the individual enjoys and uses world empowerment politically, that is, in the structuring of society.
Yes, in part by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations, December 10, 1948, and in part by the Stockholm Declaration of 1972 which includes ecological rights.
Besides the operations of the World Service Authority, the WGWC is evolving "world commissions" to deal with specific aspects of human activities.
There are 20 as of this writing. They are Communications, Cybernetics, Design-Science, Disarmament, Economics, Education, Election, Energy, Environment, Film, Health, Judicial, Mundialisation, Planetary Vision, Space, Sports, Syntegration, Traditional Medicine, Women, and Youth Education.
Every and all coordinators of world commissions are proven experts in their self-chosen field. All are advocates of a just and democratic world order. (Biographies are available upon request). They were appointed by the World Coordinator, Garry Davis.
A provisionary World Court of Human Rights was founded by the General Assembly of WGWC delegates on June 10, 1972 at Sausheim, H.R., France. Dr. Luis Kutner was appointed Chief Justice pro tem. Subsequently, a provisionary Statute was drafted by the Commission for International Due Process of Law. Dr. Kutner has since resigned. Francis Boyle has been subsequently appointed as Coordinator for the World Judicial Commission. Its task is to continue the evolution of the World Court of Human Rights.
First, governments start by individuals recognizing a higher civic environment and allegiance than what has already been structurally legitimized. Second, the actual operation of that new civic agreement does not necessitate a formal constitution. The fundamental political program of the WGWC involves a protocol designed by cyberneticians to evolve a world constitution from the grassroots based on synergetic principles. See The World Syntegrity Project.
Because the social contract is the prerequisite to civic peace. In biological and physical fact, in the 20th century, you are born a "world citizen" since you are born a human onto planet Earth. Now in today's interdependent world, the most important issue facing all humans is the elimination of war within the human and/or planetary community. But the breeding-ground of war is anarchy. The dynamic political link therefore between humans throughout that community in recognition of their common humanity is made through the individual recognition of his and her innate and inalienable world citizenship.
Nations, by definition, are mutually exclusive. All nations therefore support the condition of anarchy between them in order to justify their individual sovereignty. Anarchy, or no common legal agreement or government, breeds fear, threats, and war as the final option.
No. First of all, law requires a legislative body to enact it, and an executive body to administer and enforce it. (The more just the laws, the less enforcement is necessary). These institutions make up the essential governmental framework. So-called international law lacks these bodies hence it is merely a matrix of multilateral treaties between equal and independent sovereign states. Neither the individual nor humanity itself is or can be represented by "international law."
No. Pacifism is essentially an individual moral attitude towards other individuals and society. Peace in the social sense requires just codes or laws agreed upon by individuals. That is why social peace and justice are allied.
Yes. "World," while pragmatic, is both a universal and unitive word. As such it embodies the moral teachings of humanity's gurus, sages, masters and philosophers from time immemorial. It implies both humanity as a family and its present home as planet Earth. Therefore it connotes the conceptual or value side of human existence whether called God, Truth, Wisdom, Tao, Allah, Jehovah or simply the Absolute. It also connotes our essential kinship with nature and all other species sharing life on this world.
National citizenship is exclusive. World citizenship is inclusive. In that sense, they are mutually exclusive. Citizenship, however, is like concentric circles. It is mutually complementary from local to global when based on the two components of society, the general and the individual good.
An exclusive nationality no longer represents you in terms of global problems, such as war and environmental devastation; it has already "renounced" you. Therefore, there is nothing to "renounce." In recognizing your actual world citizenship, you are thereby transcending the suicidal system, much as the Founding Fathers of the United States "transcended" the unworkable states' Articles of Confederation. National citizenship is an 18th century political fiction rendered obsolete by major world revolutions: technological, electronic, nuclear and space.
No. Since the individual is fundamentally sovereign, you have the right to choose your own political allegiance. (Ref, Art. 15(2), Universal Declaration of Human Rights). Your nationality has two aspects - cultural (or ethnic) and political. The laws determining the latter neither deny nor prohibit your adding world citizenship to your lesser citizenships. Also, society itself is not exclusively national. It is both local or municipal and global at the same time.
Yes. The proof is that if humanity perishes, so do we as individuals. Therefore if we acknowledge that individuals have the inalienable right to live, it follows that humanity does also. The link therefore between the individual and humanity in the so-called nuclear age is dynamic, not passive or theoretical.
Both in international and national law. In the former, the principal doctrine is that of "self-determination." (See UN Charter and the International Covenants on Human Rights, inter alia). Then, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Art. 15(2) and 21(3), sanctions the legal expression of individual will as the basis of government. In national law, many constitutions refer specifically to fundamental human rights, i.e. the U.S. Bill of Rights, as inalienable and therefore irrevocable by any relative government. Certain US case law histories, FILARTIGA V. PENA-IRALA, 630 F.2d (2d Cir. 1980), for instance, have used the UDHR as "common binding international law."
With the World Service Authority, the administrative agent of the WGWC. Its world office is 5 Thomas Circle, NW, Washington, DC 20005. Its telephone no. is (202) 638-2662; fax: (202) 638-0638. ( Go to registration form.
Registration fee is $30 plus $30 annual assessment.
A World Citizen Card in 7 languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Esperanto) and a World Citizen Certificate with raised seal, confirming that you are a registered citizen of the World Government of World Citizens. The World Citizen Card is wallet-sized, numbered and laminated. Also, upon your written request, the WSA will include a form letter to be addressed by you (optional) to your local Head of Government informing him/her of your new global status. (See Part A below). In legal terms, this is known as "constructive notice."
It is your global political identification. Whenever you are called upon to identify yourself politically, you should first show this card.
Yes. The World Passport, the World Identity Card, the World Birth Certificate, the World Marriage Certificate, the World Political Asylum Card and the World Press Card (for members of the World Media Association). Further information on WSA documents.
The World Passport is the official travel document of the World Government of World Citizens. It is based on the inalienable right of all humans to travel freely on their own planet. This right has been partially identified by article 13(2) of the above-mentioned UDHR.
No, not the right but the practice. Being exclusive political units, all nations collude in the frontier system, i.e., the division of the planet into separate political units. At the same time, they all agree through the United Nations Charter to "observe and respect fundamental human rights." Through the national passport and visa system imposed on the world citizenry they deny and thus violate their pledged confirmation of human rights.
First, it identifies the individual as a sovereign with the right to freedom of travel, a right agreed to in principle by all Member-States of the United Nations (Ref., art 56, UN Charter). Second, it represents this right in a form already acceptable to nations, i.e., a passport. Thus nations must consider it. Thirdly, as a growing number of individuals, especially refugees and stateless persons, accept and use it, national authorities are obliged to accept it both for motives of principle and necessity.
Yes. The WSA has on files photocopies of visas, entry, residence and exit, from over 150 nations stamped on its passports sent by actual bearers. These are case-by-case, or de facto acceptance. A few nations, Togo, Mauritania, Ecuador, Zambia, Tanzania, Burkina Faso have accepted the WSA passport on a de juris or juridical basis. (See booklet, Government Validation of the WSA Passport - This booklet may be ordered from our catalog, in the basic documents section).
It is a 30 page document in 7 languages - English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese and Esperanto. It contains 19 visa pages with 2 pages for affiliate identifications, diplomatic, organizational, firms. On the inside back cover spaces are provided for home address, next of kin, doctor, employer, and other ID numbers. The cover is soft leather-like plastic.
For a 3 year validity period, $45. For a 5 year validity period, $75 For an 8 year validity period, $100. A "World Donor Passport" with a special cover added is issued gratis to contributors for $400 or more to the World Refugee Fund. This fund allows the WSA Legal Department to provide free legal advocacy as well as various WSA documentation to refugees in camps unable to pay the issuance fees. The validity period for the "World Donor Passport" is 15 years with renewal of 3, 5, or 8 years.
For the World Identity Card, $20. For the World Birth Certificate, $20. For the World Marriage Certificate (only for registered World Citizens), $30. For the World Political Asylum Card (only for registered World Citizens), $10. For the World Press Card (only for members of the World Media Association), $30 (2 year membership fee). Shipping and handling fees are extra. See the documents section.
This depends on what the citizenship requirements are of your particular nation. As world citizenship becomes your primary allegiance, certain national obligations, such as conscription and the payment of taxes for war become redundant. In other words, the legal justification for both have been rendered obsolete by your sovereign act.
No, you must pay that proportion of your national tax officially allocated to peaceful pursuits.
This portion may be paid to the World Government of World Citizens through the World Government Treasury Dept. account.
It is used for the evolution of your global government.
Yes, Partially. When you register with the WGWC, you may request to receive a WG Annual Return Form. It provides various categories which you may choose for the utilization of your world tax donation. A blank space is provided for your choice. 50% of the funds are used for the operating expenses of the World Government, 25% for the evolution of an eventual World Government Bank, and 25% for other uses identified by individual registered World Citizens.
The World Coordinator and the WSA President jointly. Full statements are available on a yearly basis to all registered citizens.
Because, as a registered world citizen, you have both the right and duty to support your new government. Besides, the economic benefits to be derived from the full evolution of the WGWC will be of such a magnitude that its cost as compared to, for instance, the present national war budget (nearly $1 trillion for 2004) will be minimal.
There are legal arguments both for and against paying war taxes to a particular nation. The main legal argument for not paying war taxes is found in the Nuremberg Decisions which define international illegal acts involving war preparation, war making, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, arts. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 17(2), 18, 28 and 30, in recognition of the individual's legitimate sovereignty, provides additional legal defense for the non-payment of war taxes. US law, in particular, in recognizing conscientious objection to war, as well as such legal instruments as the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution afford valid arguments to the registered world citizen. (See also, Supreme Court Petition for Rehearing)
Yes. In addition, the above-mentioned FILARTIGA V. PENA-IRALA as well as THE PAQUETTE HABANA, 175 U.S. 677, 700 (1900), which established that "International law is part of our law..." inter alia, along with the defense of "necessity," provide supplementary legal arguments against local tax authorities.
The main justification resides in the imperative elimination of the condition of anarchy (by the individual joining the World Government) which condition alone justifies the entire national war or so-called national defense posture. Once the World Government was declared - September 4, 1953 - and began functioning whether globally recognized or not, no longer can a particular nation-state claim that world anarchy exists, therefore "national defense" is viable.
Yes. The main one resides in the inalienable rights of the individual to have protection through democratic government. (Ref. Declaration of Independence and art. 28, UDHR, inter alia). Also the act of tax paying is voluntary. So also then is the act of choosing one's political allegiance. Citizenship, being socially concentric, that is, possessing levels of social contact, must inevitably and imperatively include the global in order to justify and protect the lower levels. It is on this principle that all states themselves depend. The economic support through voluntary taxation therefore of the World Government is essential to one's security, freedom and well-being.
When you return the World Annual Return Form with that percentage of the national tax allocated for war purposes to the World Government Treasury Dept. account, you will receive a World Treasury Dept. Tax Receipt for the sum submitted. This receipt is to be photocopied and sent to the IRS along with the remainder of your national tax.
The World Service Authority will supply you with a letter, upon your written request, explaining your sovereign action. (See Part B below). You also have the option of including a photocopy of the form letter.
The political representation of the sovereign citizen of the world dynamically, intrinsically allied with sovereign humanity.
To provide a global political service institution for the installation and maintenance of world peace.
On September 4, 1953. Ellsworth, Maine. (See The Ellsworth Declaration. See also What is the World Government of World Citizens?)
Garry Davis (See Definitions: What is the World Government of World Citizens?)
Over 950,000. (This includes those who registered with the International Registry of World Citizens in Paris).
The administrative agency is the World Service Authority, founded in 1954, now a District of Columbia non-profit corporation.
The result of a codified social contract between equally sovereign humans living in the same geographical environment.
"Citizen" means the political empowerment of the individual. It implies rights and duties within a given social community.
A recognition by the individual human of his/her rights and duties within the world community itself. It implies that the individual enjoys and uses world empowerment politically, that is, in the structuring of society.
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