Hih www.templatemo.com leh www.flashband.net cih website tuamtuam banah template tampi abawlkhiapa pen Kawlgam mikhat hi-in, Thailand ah omkhat nahimawk hi. Asepkhit abawlkhiatte thupi mahmah ahihmanin, ong hawmsawn ing.
My name is Min Thu. I have a strong passion about web design especially when it comes to interactive experiences and user interfaces. I am very amazed and inspired when I see high quality websites that features beautiful user interfaces with great user experiences. I work in web design field as my hobby and I am currently living in Thailand. I have got a Bachelor degree in IT and now I am continuing a master degree in IT.
My first website was flashband.net started in 2003 which is an entertainment website for Myanmar community. At first, it was started by providing Myanmar cartoons, photos and web links. Later, more sections such as Flash MTV animations, music videos, digital videos, songs were added from time to time. Lately, it is not always up-to-date as I focus on my other websites. However, it receives a stable web traffic above 70,000 visitors monthly.
I run and manage a couple of websites particularly in web template industry.
flashmo.com is sharing free flash source files to anyone at all skill levels (no matter whether you are a beginner or an advanced in using Adobe Flash). Older files were created in Flash 8 (ActionScript 2.0) format and newer files were created in Flash CS3 (ActionScript 3.0).
templatemo.com is sharing standards-compliant HTML/CSS website templates to anyone and all templates are absolutely free to use for any kind of purpose. Newer templates are integrated with Flash or JavaScript based image sliders. www.koflash.com is a collection of beautiful and attractive Flash websites for your inspirations and ideas.
www.webdesignmo.com is sharing useful tips about web design and some Flash tutorials for flashmo users but contents are updated or added occasionally.
Business model of templatemo.com is really simple. templatemo.com offers free templates and generates revenues by accepting advertisements from companies which sell premium templates or web design related services. templatemo.com is trying to be at the first position in Google Search result ranking when anyone search for web templates by entering “CSS Templates” or “Free CSS Templates” keywords. It appears at second or third or forth positions varying at this moment.
There is a wide range of web designers and developers involved in various aspects of developing web templates including HTML/CSS, Flash, WordPress, Joomla, Magento, osCommerce, etc. This also leads to different levels of quality and service offering in web template industry such as free templates websites (like templatemo.com), premium templates (like templatemonster.com) and marketplaces (like themeforest.net). There are also platform-specific template or theme sellers in this industry.
Normally, it takes about 2 years to be successful enough in running a website in my opinion. However, it can be faster and a website can be successful in terms of market penetration and financial benefit within 6 to 12 months if [1] the contents are high quality and useful for majority of users AND [2] you have already gained good experiences in both technical and business aspects.
webdesignerdepot.com is a web design related blog which quickly gains a popularity and generate revenues from ads within 6 to 12 months.
themeforest.net is a marketplace for selling or buying themes or web templates which quickly becomes one of the best template sellers within 6 to 12 months as it is a part of Envato network which already become famous and got a lot of attentions in web design industry.
Choosing a web business model, marketing and technical aspects are just easy things to learn these days as Google can help you for almost anything that you wanted to know. The tough thing is how to implement and maintain it for a long run when having a healthy relationship with different types of people – site visitors, advertisers, and business partners.
The most important thing is to be honest to yourself and others when dealing with people for anything. Second important thing is to dare or brave enough to face “a failure” as people are usually afraid of failure in terms of investing both time and money which I think is the ultimate barrier not to be successful.
Adobe Flash platform is getting so much better within last a couple of years when comparing itself 5 or 10 years ago. The performance is improved a lot after ActionScript 3.0 was introduced and more features are added from time to time.
In the past, Flash could run only on high power devices (desktops and laptops) and lighter version of Flash Player (known as FlashLite) run on some mobile devices. Now full Flash Player (v. 10.1) is being supported on lower power mobile devices (with Android 2.2 based) and the result is amazing. Android-based devices are quickly gaining popularity in the mobile market and number of devices is increasing at a very rapid rate.
Apple does not allow to run Flash Player on its iPhone and iPad devices as it can greatly affect their App store business. However, Adobe Flash CS5 iPhone packager can create applications for the iPhone and iPad devices.
Template Design Ideas come from everything we see on the web and the outside real world. I have a small team of designers for producing web templates. Basically, I set own rules in making templates. These rules are adapted from time to time by following the trend and learning users. I always give directions and requirements to my team and they produce templates accordingly.
Once templates are produced and submitted by my team, I do final editing and checking to all templates before I publish on templatemo.com website. In term of visual appearance, I carefully look into details and make necessary changes to layout graphics or images used. For the technical aspect, I check all HTML and CSS codes to see whether they are properly validated by W3C standards because we are producing standards-compliant templates.
You can get a lot of great ideas by
* developing to have a very good observation at anything
* paying attention to every little detail no matter what you are doing
* looking into a lot of different websites
* thinking from different perspectives
I really appreciate for this interview. Good Luck everyone!
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