Name | Birth/Death | Achievements |
Albert Einstein | 1879 - 1955 | He is arguably at the pinnacle, if the popularity of all the scientists is taken into account. He demonstrated solutions to a trio of mind-boggling topics in Physics in 1905 and shot into the limelight. |
Sir Isaac Newton | 1642 - 1727 | "Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica" called "Principia" is acknowledged as the greatest scientific book ever published. Sir Isaac Newton wrote this in 1687. |
Galileo Galilei | 1564 - 1642 | He was the first to use the telescope for furnishing evidence that the Earth revolves around the Sun. This postulate was in contrast to that held by the majority. |
Charles Darwin | 1809 - 1882 | "On the origin of species by means of natural selection" is Darwin's famous book published in 1859. |
Johannes Kepler | 1571 - 1630 | Kepler compiled the Mars data which enabled him to propose the "Three Laws of Planetary Motion". |
Louis Pasteur | 1822 - 1895 | Some of his works are: separation of mirror image molecules and effect of polarized light, and identification of the parasite that was killing silkworms. |
James Maxwell | 1831 - 1879 | He is known for the "Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism" published in 1873. Maxwell independently developed the "Maxwell-Boltzmann kinetic theory of gases". |
Edwin Hubble | 1889 - 1953 | "Hubble's Law" stated that galaxies move away from each other at a speed determined by the distance that separated them. He classified galaxies as per their distance, shape, brightness patterns and content. |
Emil Fisher | 1852 - 1919 | Some of his works are: synthesis of glucose, fructose, mannose starting with glycerol, and establishing structures for the 16 stereoisomers of the aldohexoses with glucose as the most prominent member. |
Paul Dirac | 1902 - 1984 | He received a Nobel prize in 1933 for the work on anti-particles. The "Dirac equation" was a version of the Schrodinger's equation. |
Archimedes | 287 - 212 BC | His major achievements are "The Archimedes principle in hydrostatics", the Archimedes screw and the relation between the surface and volume of a sphere and the circumscribing cylinder. |
Marie Curie | 1867 - 1934 | She won the 1903 Nobel prize in Physics and the 1911 Nobel prize in Chemistry. |
Thomas Alva Edison | 1847 - 1931 | He set up the first industrial research laboratory in the world and was a world record holder of 1093 patents. |
Max Planck | 1858 - 1947 | He introduced the quantum and became the recipient of the Nobel prize for Physics in 1918. |
Nikola Tesla | 1856 - 1943 | In 1882, he stated the rotating magnetic field principle and invented the alternating current long-distance electrical transmission system six years later. |
Aristotle | 384 - 322 BC | His works include Physics, Metaphysics, Politics, Poetics, Nicomachean Ethics and De Anima. |
Leonardo da Vinci | 1452 - 1519 | He designed bridges, war machines, buildings, canals and forts. |
Niels Bohr | 1885 - 1962 | In 1922, he won the Nobel prize for Physics. He developed the "Bohr theory of the atom and liquid model of the atomic nucleus". |
Nicholas Copernicus | 1473 - 1543 | He theorized that the Sun was the fixed point around which the motions of the planets takes place. The Earth rotates around its axis once in a day and slow alterations in the direction of this axis cause the precession of the equinoxes. |
Rene Descartes | 1596 - 1650 | He wrote "Meditationes de prima philosophia, in quibus Dei existentia and animae a corpore distinctio, demonstratur" in 1641. |
Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen | 1845 - 1923 | In 1901, he won the Nobel prize for Physics as he discovered X-rays. |
Carl Sagan | 1934 - 1996 | He promoted the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence and was a pioneer of exobiology. |
Jonas Salk | 1914 - 1995 | He developed a vaccine for polio in 1952. |
Alexander Graham Bell | 1847 - 1922 | He is the inventor of the telephone and the metal detector. |
Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman | 1888 - 1970 | He developed the Raman spectroscopy that provides information regarding the molecular structure. |
Ernest Rutherford | 1871 - 1937 | He developed atomic theory in 1911 and classified forms of radiation. |
Joseph John Thomson | 1856 - 1940 | He received the Nobel prize for Physics in 1907 and developed the mass spectrograph. |
William Ramsay | 1852 - 1916 | He independently discovered Helium and shared the discovery or Argon, Krypton and Xenon. |
Alfred Nobel | 1833 - 1896 | He was a chemist, engineer, innovator, and armaments manufacturer. He is also the inventor of dynamite. He established a fund for the yearly Nobel prize in the areas of chemistry, physics, literature, international peace and medicine. |
William Thompson | 1775 - 1833 | He derived the second law of thermodynamics and proposed the Kelvin temperature scale. |
James Prescott Joule | 1818 - 1889 | One determines the rate at which heat is produced by an electric current by using Joule's law. |
Julius Robert von Mayer | 1814 - 1878 | Along with James Joule, he discovered the first law of thermodynamics. |
Henry Bessemer | 1813 - 1898 | He invented an economical steel-making procedure that burnt off impurities. |
Robert Bunsen | 1811 - 1899 | He developed the spectroscope and discovered Cesium and Rubidium. |
Thomas Graham | 1805 - 1869 | He developed a technique to separate crystalloids from colloids, which is called "dialysis". |
Michael Faraday | 1791 - 1867 | He stated the laws of electrolysis in 1833. |
Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner | 1780 - 1849 | He determined the relation between elements and their atomic weight. |
Amedeo Avogadro | 1776 - 1856 | He concluded that equal volumes of gases at similar conditions of temperature and pressure have the same number of molecules. |
William Henry | 1773 - 1841 | Henry's Law states that the amount of gas absorbed by water increases as the gas pressure rises. |
John Dalton | 1766 - 1844 | He developed the atomic theory. |
Alessandro Volta | 1745 - 1827 | He invented the practical battery using cells of two types of metals. |
Antoine Lavoisier | 1743 - 1794 | He recognized and named oxygen and disproved the phlogiston theory. |
Charles Augustin de Coulomb | 1736 - 1806 | He discovered the law of force between two charged bodies. |
Henry Cavendish | 1731 - 1810 | He discovered hydrogen and nitric acid. |
Thomas Newcomen | 1663 - 1729 | He invented the steam engine. |
Robert Boyle | 1627 - 1691 | The Boyle's law describes the inversely proportional relationship between absolute pressure and volume of a gas, that is, if the temperature is constantly maintained in a closed system |
Blaise Pascal | 1623 - 1662 | The SI unit of pressure is named after him. |
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