(1925 – 2012)
Brief Life Sketch
Late Tungnung Lundou begat Late Tungnung Paugou. Late Tungnung Paugou and Late Pi Chingkhup begat eight children.
1. (L) Pu T. Kaisuah
2. (L) Pu T.Thangkhotual (father of Late T. Gougin)
3. (L) Pu Ex. Jem. T. Douzakham
4. (L) Pi Phadon
5. (L) Pi Nemdin
6. (L) Pi Manghoi
7. (L) Pi Kimzamang
8. (L) Pi Goihzaching
(L) Pu T. Thangkhotual and (L) Pi Nemzavung got married in the year 1923 and blessed with 9 (nine) children, 4 male and 5 female. Among them, (L) Pu T. Gougin MA was the eldest who was born in 1925 at Sumtuh village under Churachandpur district of Manipur where Pu T. Gouzadou Ex-Minister is the youngest among them.
1934 L.P School
1938-39 – Thanlon L.P School – Class II
1940 – Chinga Hill L.P. School, Imphal – III
1942 – Tamenglon UP School – Class IV
1943 -1948 : Indian Army as Boy and completed the 3 Army Education in first class
1948-49 : The first two books written and published by him while in the Army
(i) An Indian Army Primer leh
(ii) English Hindustan Paite Primer.
He earned accolades of the Indian Army C-in-C, Gen. K.M. Cariappa for his books.
1950 – Married to Miss Douzaching but had to go their own way.
1952 – Operation at Jammu Military Hospital
1953 – Married to Miss Nouzanem d/o (L) Nanggin Tungdim of Misau village
1954 – Passed the Indian Army Special Class (equivalent to Matric).
1954 – He left Army for not getting Commission (Army)
1955 – Major Sundaran, Chief Commissioner of Manipur appointed him as a clerk in Tribal Welfare Department
1956 – Completed Intermediate of Arts (IA) at Imphal Night College
1956 – Eldest son Tungnung Nungkhochinpau was born (January 26)
1956 – Zou Tribe Recognised with his sole initiative
1957 – His father, T. Thangkhotual died (September 30)
1958 – Study BA at St. Edmunds College, Shillong
1960 – Completed BA (Hons) in Economics at high 2nd class
1959 – The First Zou Mass Agitation under his leadership (United Manipur Zomi Organisation (UMZO) conference was held at Tuaitengphai village, Pu J.M. Raina, Chief Commissioner was invited to be the Chief Guest but he did not turn up, (L) Pu S.K. Samte with (L) Pu T. Gougin led the Zou people and agitated in front of the SDO Churachandpur – Pu D.R. Baruah IFAS. The SDO tender his apology on behalf of the Chief Commissioner).
1959 – Established Private High School at Tuaitengphai village
1960 – Started Tribal League with (L) Tunkhopum Baite
1961 – UMZO Conference at Singtom village, at that conference “M” was omited and UMZO was rechristened as United Zomi Organisation (UZO), He was elected to be the President of UZO. Therefore, he become the first president of UZO.
1962 – Contested Outer Manipur Parliamentary Constituency MP but could not succeed
1962 – Lecturer at Churachandpur Govt. Higher Secondary School
1964 – Studied MA @ Guwahati University as post graduate deputation and written and published another two books
(i) Nehru Journey on Earth
(ii) Two Noun Can Save India
1965-66 – Abolished Cop Labour (Army Pot Pua) among the tribal in Manipur.
1966 – Completed MA1970 – Completed LL.B. Intermediate under Guwahati University
1971 – Contested MP with Congress (O) ticket
1972 – Started G&C printing press as well as THUTHANG NEWS (first Daily Newspaper in Churachandpur)
1972 – Founded Zomi National Congress at Daijang Village (January 28) [Pu T. Gougin pen President & Pu S.K Samte Gen. Secretary]
1973 – Contested MDC at Tuining Constituency but not succeeded
1974 – Contested MLA at Singngat A/C with Hills Union ticket and successful.
1975 – With his tooth and nail opposition, the proposed Hill House Tax of Rs.15/- was reduced to Rs.6/- on March 12, 1975 and he was called “Champion of the Hill” (this Hill House Tax was implemented till 2006)
1975 – Deputy Minister
1975 – Drafted Co-Operative Society Act during his term of Cooperation portfolio
1975 – With his tooth and nail opposition, the proposed Hill House Tax of Rs.15/- was reduced to Rs.6/- on March 12, 1975 and he was called “Champion of the Hill” (this Hill House Tax was implemented till 2006)
1975 – Chairman of Public Account Committee (PAC) till April 1976
1976 – With his tooth and nail opposition, Meitei dialect was not declared the official language
1976 – A member of State Level 20 Point Economic Implementation Committee
1976 – Chairman of Public Account Committee (PAC)
1974 – 1979 : ZNC Units all over Manipur Hill Areas
1983 – ZNC re-organization | July 09: ZNC Special Assembly, Zogal Memorial Hall, Zoveng
1985 – (November 21) Constructed 40kms long “Indira Road” from Pangen to Thanlon with ZNC volunteers 1985 – ZNC Special Congress @ Kangkap (January 24, 25)
1985 – ZNC Leaders at Delhi submitting memorundam (May)
1985 – ZNC Parbung Block was innaugurated
1986 – ZNC leaders at Delhi (April 10) submitted memorundum to Prime Minister
1986 – ZNC Henglep Block was inaugurated (July 23-24)
1986 – Zomi Graduate Association was formed (September)
1986 – ZNC Assembly at Synod Hall (August 21-22)
1987 – (January 08-20 ~12 days) ZRV “Long March” from Luangleh Vaisua (Sipikawn) to Lamka
1987 – Independence Day boycott (August 15)
1987 – Lamka, Sugnu & Kangpokpi bandh, 60 members of Zomi Revolutionary Volunteer (ZRV) were arrested (September 29)1987 – Arrested ZRVs were out on bail, a grand welcome at Tuibuang Forest Gate (October 02)
1987 – ZNC participated at Assam Tribal and Student Leaders’ meeting at Diphu (November 12)
1987 – Procession at Lamka, Memorundam was submitted to DC/Churachandpur (December 18) demanding UT
1988 – ZNC & PC leader Pu T. Gougin and Brig. T. Sailo singed an agreement to form Zomi Re-Unification Organisation (ZORO) (May 05)
1989 – First Zomi World Convention at Champhai morethan 20,000 deligates (May 19-21)
1989 – 600 ZRV from manipur reached Champhai on May 17
1989 – Pu T. Sailo, Pu T. Gougin and Pu L.Sanngam were carried on uncovered jeep where thousands of people followed them (May 23)
1989 – Pu Gougin was warmly received by countless Zomi heads at Zemabawk on May 29
1. The Hmar Christian Diamond Jubilee Committee proudly presents the Distinguished Christian Citizen Award to T. Gougin Dt. 7-12-85 signed by Dr. Rochunga Pudaite Honourary President and Ruolneikhum Honourary Chairman.
2. Oja Indramani Memorial Trust herewith conferred a Certificate of Journalism to T. Gougin MA, Ex-Minister, Churachandpur, Zoveng with Rs.1000/- plus Certificate.
3. Certificate of Honours as “The Father of Zou People” (Zou Nam Pa) by T. Hangkhanpau, Ex-Minister and President of United Zomi Organisation and T. Nehkhojang General Secretary, United Zomi Organisation.
4. Tungnung Phungpi Council, Manipur India conferred Certificate of Honour to T. Gougin for being the first in BA Honours, MA in Economics and first Minister signed by Tungnung Phungpi, Chairman and Secretary.
5. The Zomi Sangnaupang Pawlpi, General Headquarters Awarded Certificate of Honours to T. Gougin being the First ever Master Degree Holder among the Zou Community signed by H. Kapneithang, General President and Th. Soiminthang, General Secretary.
6. Last, but not the least T. Gougin is the first Tribal Gentleman who snapped a photo with the First India Commander-in-Chief, General K.M.Cariappa.
T. Gougin life sketch published in three volumes mentioned below.
1. Biography International 1993, at page 746
2. Reference Asia at page 187-190
3. Reference Asia 7 volumes at page 451-152
Books written and published Pu T. Gougin
1. ABC of Zomi Economics (Zou)
2. The Martyrs (Marterte tangthu (Zou)
3. They Sacrifice for mankind (Zou)
4. Discovery of Zomi Resurgency (English)
5. Ka Phylosophy ( Ka Lunggel (Zou)
6. Zogam Novel Minthang (Zou)
7. Tales from Shakespeare (Zou)
8. Hindi Pauzilna (Zou)
9. What life has taught me (English)
10. Two Nouns can Save India (English)
11. Zomi National Congress (English)
12. English Grammer (Zou)
13. Zoram tan Duhthlanna (Lushai)
14. Re-Unification of Congress (English)
15. Gems of Late President Kenedy (English)
16. Discovery of Zoland (English)
17. Revamp of Political System a Must (English)
18. Zogam Itna Late (Zou)
19. Zogam Pumpi Paidingdan (Zou)
20. My Role As Parliamentarian (English)
21. Zou Custom Book (Zou)
22. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam (English)
23. Must Manipur March Ahead (English)
24. An India Army Primer (English)
25. Life Sketch of T. Gougin (English)
26. Too Much For Tears But Plunge (English)
27. English Hindustani Paite Primer ( Bilanguage)
28. One Hundred Famous People in the World (English)
29. Nehru’s Journey on Earth (English)
30. War Against Poverty (English)
The blessed sons and daughters of (L) Pu T. Gougin
1. Nungkhochinpau Tungnung, Chief of Tuibul Village. Tungnung mintap.
2. Tualminthang, Name after Pu (L) T.Thangkhotual
3. Khamkhanlal, Name after (L) Jemadar Douzakham
4. Doulianmang, Name after Pu T.Gouzadou. He is now settled at New Delhi at his own house.
5. (L) Paukhantang, Name after (L) Tongzapau Manlun, Chief of Behiang
6. Mrs. Vungneikim, Name after Mother (L) Nemzavung. Wife of Pu John Jamkhomang (Retd. DIC Manager).
7. Mrs. Nemzamang, Name after Pi Domnem. Wife of (L) Mamang
8. Mrs. Kailianching, Name after (L) Onkhokai. Wife of David Hangzou, Bank Manager.
9. Ngaihoihniang, Name after Mrs. Chingkhongai. She is now settled at New Delhi at her own house.
Foreign Visit
ISRAEL : 1995
I too want to leave my will
even if I failed to fulfil my dream of Zoland
during my life time where
all Zomis can live together as one big family
with one aspiration,
one hope that is;
for Social, Economics, Political, Religion and
of Thought, Expression, Faith and
Equality of Status and
of Opportunity and to promote among
all Zomis Fraternity.
For these,
we should Fight together, Work together and
Die together.
This is MY WILL.
My second Will is
Nobody should shed tears over my mortal body but try to know my Will above.
My third Will is
over my grave this should be written :
“ Here lies a MAN who work for the Unification of all ZOMI’s and for their
Salvation, Political, Economic and Religion.
For this,
GOD ordained him to suffer”.
Tanchin Tomkim
( 1925 – 2012 )
Upa T. Gougin in anam leh agam, a ZOMI pite a dingin gim-le-tawl khawhsalou in atha-le-zung teng ana zang a, tuachin Pasian hatna za in Belamte enkoltu hina mopuohna zong a latou a, Kum 2002 in a kipiehna Central Church, Zou Presbyterian Church Synod ah hattuom enkoltu UPA dingin telching in a um hi. December 15, 2002 in Muollum Presbyterian Church ah Manipur Gam Presbytery (MGP) Moderator Upa H. Nengkhai in Ordination ana bawl hi.
(L) Pu T. Lundou pen (L) Pu T.Paugou pa ahi. (L) Pu Paugou Tungnung leh (L) Pi Chingkhup in ta pasal thum leh Numei nga anei uhi.
Pasal thumte ahileh;
1. (L) Pu T.Kaisuah,
2. (L) Pu T.Thangkhotual leh
3. (L) Pu Ex. Jem. T.Douzakham ahi uhi.
Numei ngate ahileh;
1. (L) Pi Phadon
2. (L) Pi Nemdin
3. (L) Pi Manghoi
4. (L) Pi Kimzamang leh
5. (L) Pi Goihzachingte ahi uhi.
(L) Pu T. Thangkhotual in a deitah (L) Pi Nemzavung toh kum 1923 in a kiteng uhi. Amau te’n ta 9(kuo), Pasal li(4) leh Numei nga(5) anei ua, khumte lahah Pu T.Gougin MA pen a upa pen ahia, kum 1925 in Sumtuh khuo ah a pieng hi.
A sanggamte li (4) in a shisanta a, tu’n ama umlou nuo in Pasal khat leh numei thum(3) a dam nalai uhi. Amaute ahileh;
- Mrs. Vungkhoching w/o (L) M. Tongzapau Chief of Behiang (tu-le-tu a Israel a um),
- Mrs. Chingkhongai m/o T. Somkholal (tu-le-tu a Mizoram a um),
- Mrs. Chingkhonem w/o T. Soikhokam leh a tumpen
- Pu T.Gouzadou Ex- Minister ahi.
Kum 1934 apat in L.P School ah a kaipan a, kum 1938-39 in Thanlon L.P School ah Pu (L) Khamkhopau Guite nuoi ah Class II a zou hi. 1940 kum in Chinga Hill L.P. School, Imphal ah Class III a zil hi. 1942 kum in Tamenglon UP School ah Pu (L) Zoukuo Hmar nuoi ah Class IV a zou hi. Tamenglon a, alaisim sungin Pu (L) Ruma Shoute inn ah a um hi. Tuachin 1943 kum in Indian Army ah Boy in a lut hi. Indian Army a, a um sung kum 1948 tan in Army Education thum teng first class in a na zoubei hi. Kum 1948-49 sung in laibu ni;
(i) An Indian Army Primer leh
(ii) English Hindustan Paite Primer a sunkhie hi.
Tam laibute ziehin Indian Army a C-in-C, Gen. K.M. Cariappa in pahtawina sangtah anapie hi. 1952 kum in Jammu Military Hospital ah damlou ziehin Operation ana kibawl hi. 1950 kum in Miss Douzaching toh a kiteng ua, ahin, akikhen kie uhi.
1953 kum in Miss Nouzanem d/o (L) Nanggin Tungdim of Misau village toh akiteng hi. 1954 kum in Indian Army Special Class (equivalent to Matric) a pass hi. Sepai a, ana um sung in a zi zong mun tuomtuom ah ana pui kawikawi hi. Commission(Army) a nget leh a tung a te thangsietna ziehin pieh ana hisih a, lungkimloutah in Army apat akitawp vawt hi.
Kum 1955 in Major Sundaran, Chief Commissioner of Manipur in Tribal Welfare Department a kihongtha lihleh nuoi a sem ding in Clerk na apia a, Ama’n (L) Pu Modelli Mao nuoi ah a sem hi. Clerk na sem kawmkawm in Imphal Night College ah Pu (L) Nilamani MA, LLB Principal na nuoi ah laisim ana sunzom a, tuachiin 1956 kum in Intermediate of Arts (IA) ana zou hi.
January 26, 1956 ni in Pasian apat guolzawlna tapa masapen a pieng a, amin ding in Tungnung Nungkhochinpau ahisah hi. 1956 kum in ama panlahna zal liiu-liau in -
ZOU te Tribe Recognition ah ana pangsah hi. Tribal Welfare a aseplai in Songtal Hausapa ngetna dungzui in Songtal khuo ah Antang Air drop ana bawlsah a mipite akipah mama uhi. Kum 1957, September 30 ni in apa ittah (L) T. Thangkhotual in ana beisan ta hi.
1958 kum in St. Edmunds College, Shillong ah a laisim ban sunzom in BA ana sim a, tuachiin, 1960 kim in BA (Hons) in Economics high 2nd class in ana zou hi.
1959 kum in Tuaitengphai khuo ah United Manipur Zomi Organisation (UMZO) khawmpi akinei a, Zingun (Chief Guest) ding Pu J.M. Raina, Chief Commissioner ahing hawlou ziehin ama leh (L) Pu S.K. Samte lamkaina in lungkimlou etsahna in mipi’n Churachandpur SDO, Pu D.R. Baruah IFAS inn luna a kinei hi. Pu D.R. Baruah in mipi mai a ngaidam a nget ziehin mipite a kinualepi kiata hi. A zingni in Chief Commissioner (CC) ava kimupi a, Zoute panpina leh ngaidam ngetna in sum Rs.1000/- ana pie hi.
Kum 1961 in UMZO annual conference Singtom khuo ah akinei a, tuanah “M” pen kipaikhie in “UZO” chia hen ahi. Tami Conference ah Pu T. Gougin pen UZO President dingin kituohtah a telching in ana um hi.
Kum tamtah tawmngaitah in Nam a din a nasem hi. UZO pen Zou sung vai chauh ahina ziehin, Singtangmi tengteng kikaikhawm theina ding agelna in Zomi National Congress (ZNC) ana phutkhie kia hi. Ama UZO President ahinuo in (L) Pu Saipu Manlun pen ama thatang in UZO President in a guong a, Sokol tung a tuongsah in pahtawina sangpen a pie hi.
Pu (L) Tunkhopum Baite toh kithuo in Tribal League ana phutkhie ua, Pu (L) Tunkhopum pen President in a pang a, ama Gen. Secretary in ana pang hi. Kum 1959 apat in Tuaitengphai khuo ah Private High School ana phutkhie hi. Kum 1962 in Outer Manipur Parliamentary Constituency MP ana ding hi. Tuami kum ma in Churachandpur Govt. Higher Secondary School ah Lecturer na (L) Pu T.Vaiphei Head Master na nuoiah anasem hi.
1964 in Guwahati University ah post graduate deputation dan in MA a sim hi. MA a sim kawmkawm in laibu ni,
(i) Nehru Journey on Earth leh
(ii). Two Noun can save India kichi a gelkhie hi.
Kum 1966 in MA a zou hi. A result a suoh zouzou in ama pen transfer ahi a, aki transfer dan pen a ngaisiem theilou ziehin a nasepna apat in a kitawp (resigned) hi. Dihloutah a ama suonpa zong a case a zawlou ziehin a MLA hina apat a beisah uhi. Kum 1968 in Sielmat Christian College ah Lecturer na a sem hi. 1970 kum in Guwahati University ah LL.B. Intermediate a zou hi.
Kum 1971 in Congress(I) ticket in M.P. a ding kia hi. 1972 in G&C press a kipankhie a, THUTHANG NEWS (first Daily Newspaper in Churachandpur) zong a pankhe ngal hi. 1973 in Tuining Constituency ah MDC a tu a, hinanleh a ching zousih hi.
Kum 1974 mid-term election ah Hills Union ticket in Singngat A/C ah MLA aki candidate a, akaizou vanglah hi. MLA ahi sung a anasepkhiette;
- Deputy Minister in tomkhat sung a pang hi.
- Cooperation mopuohna a tuh sung in Co-Operative Society Act a bawlkhie hi.
- Meitei ham official language a zah ding pen ama hapanna ziehin ana ki pass zousih hi.
-Hill House Tax Rs.15/- a punsah ding a thusun um pen ama hapanna ziehin Rs.6/- a suhngiem in a um a, tami thu pen March 12, 1975 a Assembly a puohlut ahini in ama pen “Champion of the Hill” chia minvaw in a um hi. Tam pen (Hill House Tax) kum 2006 tan zah in ana um hi.
- State Level 20 Point Economic Implementation Committee Member in ana pang a, Public Account Committee (PAC) ah zong Chairman in April 1976 tan ana pang hi.
Minister, Co-Operation ahina lakhietsah in a um a, Minister, Education ana pekia uhi.
Tuachiin ama’n Class VIII (Jr. High School) tan chieng pen MDC te khut a piehkhiet ding in lem anasa hi. Tam pen July 1974 habei chieng a transfer ding a ana guotsa hinanleh vangsiet huoitah in sem piching manlou in a Ministry uh ana buoiseta hi. District Council member te’n a kipahpina mama uh a seppichin pieh manlou pen poi a sa mama hi. Tuabanah,
- Singngat Bazar ah Black top,
- Tuivai lui ah Barry Bridge leh
- Sangaikot SDC Hq. te ana bawlkhie hi.
MLA ahima in sil thupi mama “Sepai pot puoh” a subei hi. Kum 1965-66 in Kangkap PNC khawmpi ah, a tahsa ngei a vatel in, “tuni pat in Sepaite pot ana po nonsih un” chin ava phuongkhie hi. Koi in paw nonsih un achi ahiei achi uleh T. Gougin in chi un ana chi hi. Tuani apat in singtang mite’n Sepaih pot puoh ana ki tawpsan hi. Kalaisai!!
(L) Pu Khanthang of Kawtlian in January 31, 1960 a Policete khut a dihloutah a shina atuoh toh kisai in (L) Pu Tunkhopum Baite, Pu Pauneikhai Suantak leh Pu T. Gougin te Suongkul a khum in ana um ua, ni 30 zou in bail a hahkhiet in ana umkia uhi. Kumthum zou in (L) Pu Koireng Singh Chief Minister in a case uh a subei hi.
January 28, 1972 in Daijang khuo ah Zomi National Congress (ZNC) phukhiet ahi a, Pu T. Gougin pen President leh Pu (L) S.K Samte (Semkhopau) Gen. Secretary in a pang uhi. Kum 1974 apat 1979 sung in Manipur Singtang gam teng ah ZNC Block leh Unit ana phutkhe zou uhi. Kum 1983 in ZNC re-organized bawl in um a, Rev. Lalzem in thupha ana buohkhum hi.
November 21, 1985 apat in ZNC volunteerte 40kms a sau “Indira Road” Pangen apat Thanlon tan lampi ana sielpi a, a zaw un vohtal tuhguh in ana lawm uhi. January 08-20, 1987 (ni 12 sung) in Pu T. Gougin lamkai na in ZRV ten “the long march” Luangleh Vaisua (Sipikawn) apat Lamka tan ana nei uhi.
Pu T.Gougin in ZNC President ahi sung in ZNC te’n Union Territory (UT) demand na’n India President leh Prime Ministerte kungah Memorundum 3 vei ana pie uhi (viz. i. 1973 ii. May 21, 1981 leh iii. March 1983). July 09, 1983 in ZNC Special Assembly, Zogal Memorial Hall, Zoveng ah ana um in Zomi Lamkai 100 val ten kituohtah in ankuong na sawhkhawm uhi.
September 1986 in Zomi Graduate Association dinkhiet ahia, (L) Pu T. Kipgen IAS (Retd. CS) President a telching ahi. January 24,25, 1985 in Kangkap khuo ah ZNC Special Congress akinei a tuanah ZRV 1000 val in khawmpi na uop uhi.
ZNC Kangkap Assembly thupuosah dungzui in May 1985 in ZNC lamkai te’n Delhi tualpi vapha in Prime Minister leh lamkai poimaw tuomtuom va kimupi uhi. April 10, 1986 in Delhi ah zinkia ua, Prime Minister kungah Memorandum ava pekia leuleu uhi. May 1985 in ZNC Parbung Block honna um in Sielkhat ana that ua, a zingni in procession apei uhi. Tuabang in July 23-24, 1986 in ZNC Henglep Block honna a umkia hi.
August 21-22 , 1986 in ZNC Assembly Synod Hall a na um a, mipi’n lampi zuina nei in “UT hing pie un” chia slogan sam ahibanah, Corruption suhbei ding, tualeh Communalism suhbei hihen chiin ngaitah in naki tangkoupi hi. ZNC in Lamka, Sugnu leh kangpokpi ah bandh 3 vei ana bawl hi.
August 15, 1987 in zong boycott ana kibawl hi. September 29, 1987, bandh 3 vei a kibawlni in Zomi Revolutionary Volunteer (ZRV) 60 mat in um ua, amaute bail khietni, October 02, 1987 in ZNC lamkaina in mipi’n Tuibuang Forest Gate ah ZRV tangvalte vaidawnna thupitah in akinei hi.
November 12, 1987 in Diphu mun a Assam Tribal leh Student Leaderte meeting na ah ZNC lamkaite ava pang uhi. Diphu Meeting thupuosah dungzui in December 18, 1987 in Lamka khawpi ah Procession thupitah ana um a, DC/Churachandpur kungah UT ngetna memorandum akipe kia leuleu hi. May 05, 1988 in ZNC leh PC lamkai Pu T. Gougin leh Brig. T. Sailo in Zomi Re-Unification Organisation (ZORO) dinkhe ding in suai kaina a nei uhi.
Tuachiin, May 19-21, 1989 in Champhai khuo ah First Zomi World Convention ana um hi. Khawmpi mang dingin Manipur apat ZRV member 600 te May 17, 1989 in (L) Pu H. Lalneithang lamkai in Champhai a tung uhi. First Zomi World Convention ah palai 20,000 val in thupitah in a mang uhi. First Zomi World Convention Chairman Pu C.Vulluaia deina bang in May 23 ni in Champhai pansan gari kengni nei 100 vel in mapui in, Pu T. Sailo, Pu T. Gougin leh Pu L.Sanngam te Jeep tungbei a tuangin gari tuomtuom 100 sang a tamzaw te’n long march nei ahi. Niguh zou, May 29 ni in Aizawl khawpi gei 7 km a gamla Zemabawk ah thupitah in Aizawl apat mipi a sing a simte’n ana vaidawn uhi.
1. The Hmar Christian Diamond Jubilee Committee proudly presents the Distinguished Christian Citizen Award to T. Gougin Dt. 7-12-85 signed by Dr. Rochunga Pudaite Honourary President and Ruolneikhum Honourary Chairman.
2. Oja Indramani Memorial Trust herewith conferred a Certificate of Journalism to T. Gougin MA, Ex-Minister, Churachandpur, Zoveng with Rs.1000/- plus Certificate.
3. Certificate of Honours as “The Father of Zou People” (Zou Nam Pa) by T. Hangkhanpau, Ex-Minister and President of United Zomi Organisation and T. Nehkhojang General Secretary, United Zomi Organisation.
4. Tungnung Phungpi Council, Manipur India conferred Certificate of Honour to T. Gougin for being the first in BA Honours, MA in Economics and first Minister signed by Tungnung Phungpi, Chairman and Secretary.
5. The Zomi Sangnaupang Pawlpi, General Headquarters Awarded Certificate of Honours to T. Gougin being the First ever Master Degree Holder among the Zou Community signed by H. Kapneithang, General President and Th. Soiminthang, General Secretary.
6. Last, but not the least T. Gougin is the first Tribal Gentleman who snapped a photo with the First India Commander-in-Chief, General K.M.Cariappa.
T. Gougin life sketch published in three volumes mentioned below.
1. Biography International 1993, at page 746
2. Reference Asia at page 187-190
3. Reference Asia 7 volumes at page 451-152
Pu T. Gougin in laibu ana bawlkhiette
1. ABC of Zomi Economics (Zou)
2. The Martyrs (Marterte tangthu (Zou)
3. They Sacrifice for mankind (Zou)
4. Discovery of Zomi Resurgency (English)
5. Ka Phylosophy ( Ka Lunggel (Zou)
6. Zogam Novel Minthang (Zou)
7. Tales from Shakespeare (Zou)
8. Hindi Pauzilna (Zou)
9. What life has taught me (English)
10. Two Nouns can Save India (English)
11. Zomi National Congress (English)
12. English Grammer (Zou)
13. Zoram tan Duhthlanna (Lushai)
14. Re-Unification of Congress (English)
15. Gems of Late President Kenedy (English)
16. Discovery of Zoland (English)
17. Revamp of Political System a Must (English)
18. Zogam Itna Late (Zou)
19. Zogam Pumpi Paidingdan (Zou)
20. My Role As Parliamentarian (English)
21. Zou Custom Book (Zou)
22. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam (English)
23. Must Manipur March Ahead (English)
24. An India Army Primer (English)
25. Life Sketch of T. Gougin (English)
26. Too Much For Tears But Plunge (English)
27. English Hindustani Paite Primer ( Bilanguage)
28. One Hundred Famous People in the World (English)
29. Nehru’s Journey on Earth (English)
30. War Against Poverty (English)
Pu T. Gougin Tate
1. Nungkhochinpau Tungnung Chief of Tuibul Village. Tungnung mintap.
2. Tualminthang, Name after Pu (L) T.Thangkhotual
3. Khamkhanlal – Name after (L) Jemadar Douzakham
4. Doulianmang – Name after Pu T. Gouzadou. He is now settled at New Delhi at his own house.
5. (L) Paukhantang – Name after (L) Tongzapau Manlun, Chief of Behiang
6. Mrs. Vungneikim – Name after Mother (L) Nemzavung. Wife of Pu John Jamkhomang (Retd. DIC Manager).
7. Mrs. Nemzamang – Name after Pi Domnem. Wife of (L) Mamang
8. Mrs. Kailianching – Name after (L) Onkhokai. Wife of David Hangzou, Bank Manager.
9. Ngaihoihniang – Name after Mrs. Chingkhongai. She is now settled at New Delhi at her own house.
Pu T.Gougin Minphuohte(mintapte)
1. T. Ginzamang MA, Lecturer s/o (L) Jemadar Douzakham
2. M. Ginzalal s/o (L) Tongzapau Manlun. He is now in Jerusalem, Israel.
3. (L) Ginminlun s/o T. Gouzadou
4. Ginkhochinthang s/o Thangchingou
5. Ginminlian s/o T.Soikhokam
6. Ginlianlal s/o T.Nungkhochinpau
7. Ginzamawi s/0 John Jamkhomang
8. Ginlianthang s/o Tualminthang
9. Ginliansang s/o Khamkhanlal
10. Ginlunmang s/o T. Chinhang
11. Ginlianmang s/o T.Thangkhojang
12. Ginminthang s/o T. Chinzakham
13. Ginlianlal s/o Jampu Misao village
14. Ginlianmang s/o T. Lamzagin
15. Ginlianmang s/o T. Kamkhup of Zoumun
16. Ginminthang s/o T. Somkholal SIB,Mizoram
17. Ginzalian s/o Khupmang
18. Mrs. Ginneiching (L) d/o T. Pumpi
Gamdang a khuolzinnate ( Foreign Visit)
THAILAND : Kum 1986 in Thailand gam ah a lawmngai mama (L) Pu Mangkhanpau Manlun toh kimu ding in ava zin hi. Ama toh Politics thu a ava kikup ua, kaalkhat nuo in ahing kilekia hi.
ISRAEL : Kum 1995 May ha in atu-atate tamtah khosahna mun Israel ah ava zin a, mun poimaw tahtah (i) Bethlehem (ii) Calvary Muol (iii) Kahna bang te zong a mit ngei in ava mu hi. Atu-atate toh hani ava kithuo zou in ahing kile kia hi.
I too want to leave my will
even if I failed to fulfil my dream of Zoland
during my life time where
all Zomis can live together as one big family
with one aspiration,
one hope that is;
for Social, Economics, Political, Religion and
of Thought, Expression, Faith and
Equality of Status and
of Opportunity and to promote among
all Zomis Fraternity.
For these,
we should Fight together, Work together and
Die together.
This is MY WILL.
My second Will is
Nobody should shed tears over my mortal body but try to know my Will above.
My third Will is
over my grave this should be written :
“ Here lies a MAN who work for the Unification of all ZOMI’s and for their
Salvation, Political, Economic and Religion.
For this,
GOD ordained him to suffer”.
Ngaidam ngetna, Kipah thugenna leh Thuvaihah
Zomi National Congress (ZNC) in Manipur pumpi luosuoh akisawmlai a Zomi deilou pawlkhatte khutsung pan a Pasian in kei leh ka seppite ang huhdoh pen Pasian silbawltheina thupi ka chilou theisih hi. Pasian min phat in um hen.
Tambang a dihloutah a ka tung ua gamtangte Pasian min in ka ngaidam a, atheisiem nailoute zong ka ngaidam a, theisiem sasa a lamkaite huot zieh a na zuisawm tuonloute zong ka ngaidam a, mi(namtuom) dangte lamkaina pang utlou leh zui utloute zong ka ngaidam a, mani letna/lalna ding chauh ngaituona zieh a Zomi zah sawmte zong ka ngaidam a, Zomi phaw chauh a zangte zong ka ngaidam hi.
Tam tengteng hing theisiemsah ding in Pasian khut a nga kawm in ka mipite’n ka damsung a ZOMI te kana khuolna zieh a ka genkhiel, sepkhiel leh bawlkhielte zousie hing ngaidam ta un.
Zomite hinkhuo ding leh khonung chieng a a poimaw dingte ka gelna zieh a ka lampi peina daltu tengteng tungah kipahthu kagen masa hi. Daltu umlou sil himhim ahoi a um ngaisih a, silhoi taphot a daltu leh a nangtu a tam chi zong ka thei ziehin daltute le ang nang tute’n a theisiem nailou zieh uh ahi chi kathei ziehin ka ngaisiem a, a tung uah kipahthu kagen hi.
Daltu te’n ahing theisiemni chieng in kei leh ka inkuonpite khu theiphah kahi nosih ding ua, hinanleh, ZOMI te a ding a ka sepgimna leh ka thuohnate ziehin lawmman Pasian in lem asahte kungah ahing pe ngei ding hi. Mipi a ding gelna INDIRA ROAD 40km a sau Pangen apat Thanlon tan sielna a tha-le-zung seng ZRV te, sum-le-pai a hing panpite,neh ding antang leh me ding hing tuohte tengteng tungah ZNC min a kipahthu ka gen hi. Tuabanah, ZOMI te deisahna a na pang tengteng tung ah Pasian in alesawm-aleza in hing guolzawl ta hen aw.
Ka mipite te, ka chi-le-namte, ka be-le-phungte, a diehin ka inkuonten na thei ding uh kang vaihah nuom a um hi. ZOMI pen Naga leh Meitei te chilou Singtangmite china ahia, kituohtah a hinkhawm ahi theina dingin khutzah in hing neita un. Mihemna, mimal let-le-lal utna leh hausat tupna mai a zanglou in khonung chieng a itu-itate, i suon-le-hahte’n lungmuongtah a aten theina ding uh gam-le-muol anei theina ding un hing zangta un.
“Pu T. Gougin was the best known political leader of the Zo people who hailed form the Zou community “At a time when tribal leaders were vying for state recognition of their dialectal communities as “Scheduled Tribes,” Gougin began to conceive the idea of Zomi, i.e., “Zo people” in 1955 while serving as a clerk of the Tribal Development Office, Imphal. This prompted him to resign from his clerical job in 1958, and then pursued BA (honours) at St. Edmund’s College, Shillong. As a final year student, he founded the United Zomi Organisation (UZO) at Singtom village (Manipur) in 1961 to unite “all ethnic Zomi groups” (Gougin 1988: 3). When UZO was reduced to mere vote bank politics to the complete neglect of wider Zo solidarity, T. Gougin launched on 28 January 1972 a new organisation, Zomi National Congress (ZNC) at Daizang village (Manipur). He owned a printing press which helped him to propagate his nationalist vision through pamphlets, booklets and ephemeral literature. The Discovery of Zoland (1980) is perhaps Gougin’s most enduring political writing” (p. 61).”
From Late Pu T. Gougin, posted by Pupu Zou on 6/05/2012 (49 items)
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