By: Taang Zomi (My Nostalgia for Sithu Dr. Tg. Vum Ko Hau)
1. Ama' min pen ka neu lai-a kipan ka zaakzaak ngei ahi hi. 1988 sung (May- December) leh 1990-1991 sung (May, 1990-September 1991), Yangon-ah, kimu kha bek lo-in, ama' inn-ah hawh-a kihona, board meeting kah khopna, biak piakna-ah kihel khawmna ka nei thei uh hi.
2. 1988 kum-a Taunggyi ka pai lai (July 10 leh August 8 kikaal)-in, Baptist Theological School-ah ka hawh-a, ka sang kahpih ngeite ahi Principal Rev. Saw David Hsu Paw leh Dean Rev. U Ko Ko Naing-te tawh anne tuidawn khawm-in nuam ka sa uh hi.
Sithu Dr. Tg. Vum Ko Hau in sang' aading, a diakdiak-in, sang-a a kah Zomi (Tedim, Falam, Hakha, Mindat. Matupi, Kanpetlet, Paletwa, etc., leh Asho, Lusei, Kuki, etc.) sangnaupangte huh nading, sum tul bang zah hiam khat a piak thu, hong gen uh hi. Thupi ka sa mahmah hi.
Amaute geel tung-ah ngaihsut (advice) ka piakna: "Tua sum pen a sawt lo-in hong bei ding hi. Sum a bei theih loh nading-in, vaihawmna khat nei un. Dr. Vum Ko Hau kiang-ah sum a tam pian khat nget beh un. Savings Bank account khat hong (open) unla, "The Dr. Vum Ko Hau Endowment Fund" ahih kei leh "The Dr. Vum Ko Hau Student Aid Fund for Zomi Students" ci un. Bank pan-a a meet (interest) bek zangh unla, a bul (principal) sukha kei un. Tua fund pen a bei thei lo, a kizom suaksuak sumpi (perpetual fund) hong hi ding hi. Sum haksa sa pipi-a sang hong kah Zomite, kum sim-in, kihuh den thei ding hi."
3. 1990 hiam, 1991 hiam khat-in, Tamu khua-a Bible college principal a seem, Anglican priest khat in Dr. Vum Kho Hau' laibu "Profile of a Burma Frontier Man" deih-a "Hong ngetsak in," hong ci hi. Ka nih-un, Dr. Vum Ko Hau kiang-ah ka hawh uh hi. Tamu-a Bible college-ah "The Vum Ko Hau Library" phuat ding thu, ka gen uh hi. Dr. Vum Kho Hau in ama' laibu, cingh tak-in pia pah hi.
Tua laibu bulphuh-a anthropology tawh PhD a laakna thu hong gen hi. Sumneen kaihkhop (coin collecting) zong uuk-a, Prague (Praha)-ah tawlkhat a ki-omsak lai bang hi leh, numanistics tawh PhD a laak sawmna thu, hong gen hi.
Kei kiang-ah, "Nang, laisim leh laigelh uuk na hih teh, na lai gelhte, paai mang kha ke'n. Ni khat ni teh, tua teng gawm inla laibu bawl lecin, PhD ngah thei ding hi teh," hong ci hi.
"Kawlgam mite lak pan, degree (Bachelor's degree, Master's degree) ngah lo pi-a, Tan Sawm pan-a direct-a PhD a ngah, kei bek om ing," hong ci hi. "Hanciam leeng, a piang thei lo om lo" cih hong hilhna hi.
4. Gamdang ka pai ding ciangin, kisapna a omna peuh-a ka zat theih ding, ci-in, letter of recommendation khat hong gelhsak hi. Hong deihsakna, hong lahna hi.
5. A nungta lai a innkuanpih teng, Topa in hong hehneem-in tha hong dimsak hen!
A Brief Profile of a Burma Frontier Man: Dr Vum Ko Hau
A prominent member/leader of the Chin Defence Army during Second World War. He worked as a stenographer at the Deputy Commissioner Office at Falam after the Second World War. He served as a translator during the Pinlong Conference in 1947 and was also among the seven Zomis who were part of the Constituent Assembly 1947 - 48.
In the Interim Government after Independence he was appointed as the Deputy Councillor of Frontier Areas (Chin Affairs). Thus in this capacity he was amongst the five delegates of signatories at the Nu-Atlee Agreement in London on 17th October 1947. He was also a member of the 17 leaders who wrote the Burmese Constitution and selected the National Anthem.
Offices held:
1948 - Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Foriegn Affairs
1955-59 - Ambassador to France and Netherland
1960-65 - Ambassador to Indonesia
1966-71 - Ambassador to Cambodia and Laos
1971-77 - Ambassador to Czechoslavakia, Austria and Hungary
He attended the UN General Assembly in 1953, 1964 and 1965.
He was also a delegate of the Non-Alignment Movement at the Bandung Conference, 1955.
He also published a book called "Profile of a Burma Frontier Man" in 1963 for which he was conferred "Doktora Filosfie (PhD cum Laude) "by the Charles University of Prague, Czechoslavakia on 19th June 1974.
Awards received: ... PhD, FRGS, FRA, FRNS, Naingngant Gon Yi (First Class).
Parentage:.............. Rev Za Khup & Pi Ciang Zam of Thuklai
Date of Birth:.......... 17th March 1917 (10:00 pm)
NB: If you have more detail on Dr Vum Ko Hau I would be glad for your contribution - Carey Suante.
‘Better than King James!’
MYANMAR — Dr Vum Ko Hau was Ambassador for Burma from 1955 to 1977, first in Paris and then the Netherlands, Indonesia, Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. After World War II, he participated in the talks with British Prime Minister Clement Attlee which eventually led to the independence of Burma in 1947.
His place in history has not been forgotten, and in 1995 Queen Elizabeth invited Dr Vum to Buckingham Palace for the VJ Day celebrations.
Fought hard
Dr Vum says today that one of the reasons he fought so hard for independence was to establish high schools throughout the Chin Hills. His father had been the first educated Chin, and today Dr Vum acts as consultant to the highly-educated group who are translating the Bible into Chin:Siyin (pronounced Seezin). Of the 10,000 Siyin-speaking people scattered throughout Myanmar, most are Christians. However, there is no Siyin Bible, so the Burmese, English or Tiddim Bible is being used. Translation of the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs into Siyin has now been completed.
The Chin church celebrated the centenary of the coming of Christianity to their region this year (story and photo follow in October 1999 World Report), and the Chin Bible played a major part in the church’s thanksgiving to God. ”The work we are doing is far more than just translating the Bible,“ says Dr Stephen Hre Kio. ”This will not only be the first Bible in the Chin:Siyin language, it will also set the literary standard for this language for many years to come.“
When Dr Vum, who currently reads the English Bible, read some of the Siyin translation, he exclaimed, ”It is the best language in the world! When we get to heaven I think we will all be speaking Siyin! It’s even better than King James!“ (WR 343/12 - 9.99)
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